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Forum diskusi siswa - HTML

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Forum diskusi siswa => Tentang web design => HTML




rasmana (Gast)
10/10/2009 4:59am (UTC)[quote]
Assalamualaikum pak.
maaf pak jka kita ingin mengubah scrip html menjadi Css. gimana ya pak.pak keunggulan css dgn html tu apa saya masih bingung saya cuma tau dari buku ja tdk pernah memperaktekannya.

SMK Ma'arif Langut
kwRocatrearse (Gast)
12/15/2010 11:46pm (UTC)[quote]
Hello, finally registered after 6 months of reading!

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Cleataideglit (Gast)
02/15/2011 1:32pm (UTC)[quote]
In times of crisis, a good-paid work is a dream. Not everyone manages to find her. Luckyly, in this age, we can more easily search job, f.e. Internet. Almost many country in the world can be found online portal with job offers. Just type in the google "jobs (eg for Polish is a Praca) " or "job offert (in Italian is a offerte di lavoro)."
And as you search for a job? Or maybe you earn so much that new job you do not care? Do you know any other portals with job offers that are worth visiting?
Barliroli (Gast)
11/15/2011 5:33am (UTC)[quote]
Give a leg up
Customers that are seriously agitated about speeds that a viewer can discern their locale, indigence to upon how self-indulgent the servers are. Although bandwidth and connections are critical factors, server speeds are equally important. A server that is a hotelier to scads sites that are being accessed simultaneously may manage bogged down. No condition how hasty the kin is this can gravely slow down a viewer’s speed to surf auspices of a site. A simple spirit to examination the expedition at which a server responds is called "pinging" a site. This will act on how speedily a server can obtain and send behindhand a miniature report of facts sometimes non-standard due to the relevance you acquire to it.

Processor speed is also important. Certain sites devise occasion greater demands on the host's CPU and determination consequence abandon slower - and slowly down every other place on the server as cordially (Beginner's Guide, 2000). Streaming video and audio, discussion forums and report boards, online surveys, and high-level animation all require titanic amounts of remembrance and fasting access to the essential server. Overloaded processors can slow down a purlieus's transportation considerably.

Server Software
Server software can also agitate a site. UNIX and Windows NT are the most communal server software environments. Advanced developers should be enlightened of what applications they drive be using and assess which software territory intent best conform to their needs. Some hosting companies solitary make available anyone of the two software options.

Safe keeping
Protecting a purlieus's evidence from unwanted intrusions is another description compassion for the treatment of the snare developer when selecting a host. The hosting troop's surety protocols should be outlined. Safeguard from run-of-the-mill denial of servicing attacks and the diversified hacks and cracks that will be attempted on your server is essential. The hosting entourage should be dependable for the duration of upgrading and maintaining these security measures. "The at worst deed worse than having no security is belief you possess some" (Finding the Mob, 2001).

Customer Service
Appointment is another eminent mien to make allowance for when shopping for a host. Hosts put up for sale a multiplicity of client usefulness options. Services offered can be 24-hour impost sovereign numbers, 24-hour email assistance, Often Asked Questions pages and help forums. The amount of succour you authority prerequisite depends mainly on your episode and problems you set-to from the server.
Checking out the reliability of a serve is also decidedly important. Hosts normally have a handful backup systems in come what may something goes blameworthy with the sheer servers. They also can warranty less "down period" through backup power systems such as a diesel generator.
essespata (Gast)
12/01/2013 3:50am (UTC)[quote]
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menurut anda, siapa calon yang pantas untuk menjadi ketua forum mig33 indramayu..?
opee-45new 0%
alan_borland 0%
the.mith 0%
yepay_sf 100%
3 Total votes

Hi... Semua...
Sebelumnya, saya ucapkan terima kasih untuk yang sudi mampir di my website....
website ini dipersembahkan untuk menjalin persahabatan dan silaturrohim kita semua sebagai manusia sosial yang tidak bisa hidup tanpa hadirnya seorang sahabat.....
kita sadar begitu penting sosok seorang sahabat yang mau berbagi disaat kita suka dan duka...
Karena mereka kita semua bisa mengenal akan arti sahabat dan persahabatan....
so... jadilah sahabat yang selalu bersahabat....
Untuk mig33rs indramayu tolong votting di kolom polling diatas untuk memilih siapa yang cocok menjadi ketua forum indramayu mig33 community...
ditunggu sampai ahir bulan april 2010

thanx before..
Thanx atas semua masukan yang anda berikan...
Insya Allah kami akan mengadakan perbaikan dan up to date sebagai responsif kami...
dan kami mengharapkan kepada semuanya untuk sudi memberikan kritik dan saran yang membangun demi kemajuan website kami
thanx once again.....
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